Online job applications and CVs are becoming increasingly common,
but you can still land a job by going to meet employers and asking about work.
A face-to-face meeting with an opportunity to look a potential employer in the eye can work wonders.
"I feel human contact is the best way to interact with a person and to really get the feel for that person's personality, their abilities and interpersonal skills," says Sheri Bennett, a former teacher looking for a job in California.
After having no success with more than 200 online applications, Ms Bennett attended a job fair because she felt she could be more persuasive face to face with a recruiter.
"If somebody has the opportunity to look at you in the eyes, they have the opportunity to shake your hand and know if you have a weak handshake or a firm handshake," she says.
公司主管可以透過面對面的面試來看出求職者的潛在特質,以及他是否有心、有能力能夠勝任這個職位。求職者Sheri Bennett表示,她覺得透過人與人之間的互動,才能真正瞭解一個人的人格特質,也是公司瞭解求職者能力和溝通技巧的最佳途徑。且Bennett認為面對面的溝通更具有說服力,能夠真切地表達出自己對這份工作的渴望。
Job fairs allow candidates to leapfrog over the initial stages of applying for a job. They expedite the process for both the jobseeker and the employer, cutting out an initial online application, a possible phone screening process and the endless waiting for an interview date.
"It's valuable to go to career fairs for the face to face aspect, but to do research on companies or on industries or where the openings are at, there's so much more you can do now to ready yourself for that first interview," says Dan Sparks, vice-president of sales at Hire Live, a recruitment service in the US.
美國招聘服務公司Hire Live的銷售部副總裁Dan Sparks說:「當你打算參加一些徵才活動或面試前,其實你可以做些事前準備工作,來使自己更具說服力。」。
Do your homework
"Some are very prepared," says Mr Sparks. He says candidates should attend events knowing which companies are going to be there, what they have to offer and what positions they're looking for.
"Go onto their websites, learn a little bit about that company," he says. "They can even bring what we call a brag book with them and so they can say, 'I was top 10% at my last company, I made president's club, I did this, I did that.' You can show your proof that you're good at what you do."
Sparks說:「事前的準備工作是非常重要的!你必須瞭解你所應職公司的規模、發展歷史、經營項目以及未來願景,甚至公司負責人的經營理念、管理風格、特殊事蹟等,通通把它搞清楚,做好應答的準備;自己也能先做評估, 看看這家公司的前景與自己的生涯規劃,是否一致。
Face to Face tips
Be confident. Never speak negatively about your past jobs, employers or yourself.
Look smart. Your outward appearance is important and you only get one shot to make a first impression.
Give them your best brief pitch. Outline your experience and what you're looking for. Try to convey your passions and goals.
Always be sure to have a business card or some way of providing them with your contact information and be sure to get theirs.
A firm handshake relays confidence.
Your personality is equally important as your qualifications. People hire for two reasons - both your ability to actually do the job and because you would be someone that they or their team would want to work with.
Know the background of the company you are meeting, and the responsibilities and qualifications of the position you're after.
Have a couple of questions already prepared about the position and the company. Keep it conversational - professional, but not rehearsed.