看電影或電視的時候因為都坐著不動,如果長時間累積下來,有可能會導致肥胖,但是粉絲們知道「動作片」(Action Movie) 更容易導致體重增加哦 




 Watching action films may make you more likely to pile on the pounds, according to US researchers. Previous studies have suggested a link between television and obesity but the team at Cornell University tried to establish which genres of television were worst. The findings, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, showed people snacked far more during action films.


根據美國的研究顯示,看動作片很有可能會讓體重上升。之前有研究已經顯示電視和肥胖之間是有關連的,而康乃爾大學試著要研究出「看電視」這個類別是最糟糕的,而結果顯示人們在看動作片的時候會吃更多零食,而這個研究結果也刊登在美國醫學雜誌 (The Journal of the American Medical Association)




 The authors said people should avoid snacking while watching television.

TV is linked to obesity because of junk-food advertising, sedentary behaviour and distracting people so they do not realise how much they are eating.






 Mindless munching 無心之罪在看動作片中增加更多食物攝取


 The study followed 94 students who were given bowls of chocolate, biscuits, carrots or grapes while watching television. The scientists then compared how much food was consumed during the 2005 action movie, The Island, with a show based on one-to-one interviews. They demonstrated that people had nearly had twice the amount of food by weight and consumed 65% more calories during the film.


這個研究找了94位學生來協助,這些學生會拿到幾碗的巧克力、餅乾、胡蘿蔔或是葡萄,而他們需要邊看電視,而螢幕播的有兩種節目,一個是2005年的電影《絕地再生》,另外一個是一對一訪談的談話性節目,科學家在結束之後會比較兩者的觀眾吃掉的食物量 ; 結果顯示看電影的學生會吃掉將近兩倍的食物,並額外吸收了65%的熱量。




 The difference was more pronounced in men than women.

The report says:

"TV may lead distracted viewers to mindlessly eat past the point at which a person would usually stop."

"When counselling patients, physicians should stress the dangers of overeating while watching TV.

"[They] may want to warn in particular against the potential effect that highly distracting content, such as action movies, may have on overeating.

"When watching highly distracting TV content, it may be best to avoid snacking."








參考資料 : Action films most likely to make you fat, says study





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