
The best jobs for smart, but lazy people

BBC NEWS提供了對懶人來說最棒的工作



English, anyone? 有人願意教英文嗎?

Computer game designer, Andy Lee Chaisiri wrote: “Perhaps one out of every three English teachers I've met in Beijing describe themselves as intelligent, but very lazy.” He wrote that teaching roles in China are often lucrative and high demand means entry standards are not restrictive.” In some cases, the only requirement is that an applicant was born in an English-speaking country.


Andy Lee Chaisiri是一位電腦遊戲設計師說:「我在北京遇到的英文老師裡面,每三個就有一個說自己聰明但是非常懶。」此外,他還寫到在中國英文老師是非常賺錢但要求高,但要求高的意思是沒有太多限制和標準,在一些例子中,他們的標準是只要申請者是出生在英語系國家即可。


lucrative ( adj. ) 有利可圖的

The business has proved to be highly lucrative. 這個事業最後證明是有利可圖的。

restrictive ( adj. ) 限制的



Chaisiri explained that because English teaching has flexible hours “lots of people are English teachers only part time ― they are there to supplement their education, or a brief vacation, or find another job ― which means that if you do decided to turn English teaching into your career, you will be steadily moving up.”He added: “Your income levels will match the middle class college graduates that work 50 hours a week and do overtime until they die.” And Chaisiri wrote: “So go forth and teach English, you lazy guy!”




flexible ( adj. ) 有彈性的

Our schedule for the weekend is very flexible. 我們周末的行程非常彈性。

supplement ( n. ) 補充;增補

move up提升



 Keyboards and pyjamas 鍵盤和睡衣褲

If you’re disinclined to venture far from your home office, Paul Denlinger suggested: “Computer programmer: It is a continuous learning process, but you really don't have to work that hard, and gradually you learn that many of the challenges are repetitive.”


如果你不喜歡冒險和遠離自己的家,Paul Denlinger建議:「那電腦工程師一定很適合,這是一個持續學習的過程,但是你真的不需要太認真工作,你會漸漸發現都是重複性的挑戰。」


Even the nature of the work itself lends itself to doing less, he indicated. “Good programmers write as few lines of code as possible, and it is one of those professions which pays well, while at the same time, encouraging laziness, Denlinger wrote. “At the same time, you get to work with other reasonably intelligent, technical people, while the investors throw money at you for their next great idea.” However, Chris Leong a programmer in Sydney suggested “working for the government — most roles have 35-hour weeks in Australia — unless you become senior.”


Paul Denlinger說:「即便是這份工作的本質也讓它顯得不用做太多事情。一個好的電腦工程師會盡力寫最少的程式,而這是其中一個薪水很好的職業,但同時鼓勵懶惰的職業。同時,你會和一樣聰明的同事一起工作,但是也會有投資者砸錢在你下一個新的好點子上。」然而,來自雪梨的電腦工程師Chris Leong說:「為政府工作吧!在澳洲,大部分人每週工作35小時,除非你是老鳥。」


disinclined( adj. ) 不願的 

reasonably( adv. ) 相當地

senior ( adj. )  年長的 ; 資深的



 Ask me, I’m an expert 問我吧!我是個專家

Matthew Kuzma wrote: “My personal opinion is that the best possible job for someone who is intelligent but lazy would be to be a professional ‘expert’ at something, to get paid to just share your thoughts and opinions about things with people who will do the heavy lifting.” He advises the idle to “identify the activities you don't consider work and find a career that will pay you for those. Chances are, the things you consider fun and easy are things someone else finds so hard that they're willing to pay you to do them.”


Matthew Kuzma寫道:「我認為最適合懶惰但聰明的人的工作是當某個領域中的專家,你只需要和大家分享你對該領域的想法和見解然後領到薪水,然後由其他人把勞力、粗重的工作做完。此外,找出一件你不覺得是工作的事,並找出一個會因為此事而支付你薪水的職業,而這件事是你覺得很有趣、很簡單,但別人覺得很困難,所以其他人會願意僱用你來幫他們的忙。」


chances are 可能…



There's always Windows "Windows" 永遠會是個好選擇

As it happens, taking a laid-back approach to tackling a project is not always a negative either. Arvind Krishnan quotes billionaire Bill Gates as saying I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because he will find an easy way to do it. So lazy-but-intelligent people of the world: “Looks like you have a shot at Microsoft,” wrote Krishnan.


Arvind Krishnan引用了比爾蓋茲的話:「我永遠會僱用懶惰的人去做困難的工作,因為他們會找到一個簡單的方法完成它。」所以給天下懶惰卻又聰明的人:你們可以去Windows試試看!


tackle ( n. ) 處理

She can tackle all kinds of projects her boss assigned her. 她可以處理所以有她老闆給她的專案。

quotes ( v. ) 引用

 He quotes Shakespeare's words to start his introduction part of his aricle. 他引用了莎士比亞的名言來引出他文章的的第一段。






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參考資料 : The best jobs for smart, but lazy people






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