失眠症 Insomnia 可說是現代人的文明病 






1. Steak 牛排

Beyond raising cholesterol and increasing obesity risk, fatty foods that are high in protein, like steak, digest slowly and may disrupt our Circadian rhythm if eaten close to bedtime. What’s more, high-fat, high-protein diets have also been linked to sleep apnea, which can leave you tired and irritable throughout the next day.



  • Cholesterol (n.) 膽固醇
  • Obesity (n.) 肥胖
  • Protein (n.) 蛋白質
  • Circadian (adj.) 全天的
  • Circadian rhythm 生理時鐘
  • Apnea (n.) 呼吸暫停;窒息
  • Irritable (adj.) 易怒的


2. Dark Chocolate 黑巧克力

Nibbling on a piece of dark chocolate might cure a late-night sugar craving, but that sweet satisfaction might be short-lived. Certain dark chocolates, such as Hershey’s Bliss Dark Chocolate, have as much as 25 to 38 percent of the amount of caffeine found in a standard cup of coffee. That’s enough to keep a few people up tossing and turning.



  • Nibble (v.) 小口咬
  • Late-night (adj.) 夜間的
  • Short-lived (adj.) 短暫的
  • Caffeine (n.) 咖啡因
  • Toss (v.) 翻來覆去

He tossed about in his sleep all night.


3. Alcohol 酒精

The nightcap. It’s supposed to help you unwind and get some rest after a long day. However, time after time, studies have shown that while alcohol can help you fall asleep faster, it negatively affects your sleep cycle by reducing the amount of SWS and REM sleep – both of which are responsible for helping to repair and restore the mind and body – you receive per night.



  • Nightcap (n.) 睡前酒
  • Unwind (v.) 放鬆
  • Time after time 多次
  • Restore (v.) 修復,整修


4. Spicy Food 辛辣食物

Spicy food may not give you nightmares, but it sure can disrupt a good night’s sleep. Lying down after eating a heavy, spice-laden meal can result in heartburn and a restless night. Studies have found that eating spicy food prior to bedtime not only reduces the overall amount of sleep a person gets, but also raise core body temperature, which has been linked to poor sleep quality.



  • Disrupt (v.) 擾亂
  • -laden 充滿的,大量的,極度的
  • Heartburn胃灼熱
  • Restless (adj.) 焦躁不安的


5. Decaf Coffee 去咖啡因的咖啡

If you’re jonesing for an after-dinner cup of coffee, reaching for decaf instead of regular may not prevent the late-night jitters. Contrary to popular belief, decaffeinated coffee contains enough caffeine to disrupt sleep, particularly for those who are caffeine sensitive.



  • Decaf (n.) 去咖啡因的咖啡
  • Jitters (n.) 神經緊繃

Pre-wedding jitter 婚前恐慌

  • Decaffeinated (adj.) (咖啡或茶)除去咖啡因的


6. Broccoli Or Cauliflower 花椰菜

Being healthy by eating your veggies has a time and place, but it’s not before bed. Some roughage like broccoli and cauliflower contain tryptophan (左旋色胺酸), which actually helps the body produce serotonin (血清素) and regulates sleep. However, eaten too close to bedtime, vegetables with high amounts of slow-to-digest fiber can keep your body working well into the night while you’re trying to get some shuteye.



  • Veggie (n.) 蔬菜 = vegetable
  • Roughage (n.) 食物中的粗纖維

Wholemeal bread is a valuable source of roughage.

  • Broccoli (n.) 綠花椰菜
  • Cauliflower (n.) 白花椰菜
  • Fiber (n.) 纖維 = fibre
  • Shuteye (n.) 睡眠


7. French fries 薯條

Some of us may dream about fried food, but high-fat foods like French fries can keep you from doing just that. Indulging in one or two fries before bed may not be enough to keep you awake, but eating an entire serving may push your digestive system into overdrive not to mention give you a bad case of heartburn -- both of which are enough to prevent a good night of dreaming.



  • Indulge (v.) 沉迷;放縱自己

The prince indulged in luxury.

  • Serving (n.) 一份食物


8. Chili 辣味牛肉豆子

Hot sauce. Beans. Beef. Oh, my! Chili is a five-alarm recipe for sleep disaster if you eat it close to bedtime. Hot sauce-induced heartburn and a disgruntled tummy thanks to the beans and beef will keep you from getting all of those precious 40 winks.




  • Recipe (n.) 食譜
  • Disgruntled (adj.) 不滿的
  • Tummy (n.) 胃病,肚子難受
  • Forty winks  打盹兒

I want to catch forty winks before the guests arrive.





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