單字 |
例句 |
weather forecast 氣象預報 |
I don't set (much) store by weather forecasts. 我認為天氣預報(有些)靠不住。 |
afternoon thunderstorms 午後雷陣雨 |
Last week we had a massive power failure during a freak afternoon thunderstorm. 上星期在反常的午后雷雨過程中, 我們遇上大規模停電。 |
typhoon warnings 颱風警報 |
All public typhoon warnings were lifted yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午已解除全部的颱風警報。 |
classes work is canceled 停止上班上課 |
In Taipei, classes or work is canceled; in Kaohsiung, classes are canceled while work isn’t. 台北區停止上班上課,高雄區要上班不上課。 |
classes are canceled while work isn’t. 要上班不上課 |
take appropriate measures 採取適當措施 |
Take appropriate measures to avoid possible damage or loss of life due to flooding. 應做好預防措施,以防因淹水導致的人命及財物損失。 |
relief goods 救濟物資 |
Relief goods were quickly handed out to the people in the stricken area. 救濟物資很快就會發放到災區人民手里。 |
1.hit by the typhoon 遭受颱風侵襲
Ex: Taiwan is often hit by typhoons in summer, especially in July and August. 台灣在夏天, 特別是七月和八月常會受颱風的侵襲。
hit 在這裡為動詞 (hit-hit-hit),表示「侵襲」
2.eye of the storm 颱風眼
Ex: The eye of the storm is currently some 410 kilometers east-southeast of Hualien,and is moving at some 22 kilometers per hour in a northerly direction. 颱風距離花蓮東南方約410公里,而且以每小時22公里的速度朝北移動。
颱風的中心位置以颱風眼為準,而颱風眼是 the eye of the storm
句中的兩個 some 不是「一些」,some 放在數字之前要解釋為「大約」
英文裡要說「方位」時,要用「 to the 方位 + of + 地名」的方式
而此句中的 east-southeast 是「東南東」方向
in a easterly, westerly, southerly, northerly direction.
3.be V.+approaching 正在逼近
Ex: Typhoon Nepartak is approaching Taiwan and will arrive this week.
approach 這個字可以當動詞和名詞,有接近和靠近的意思
4.in effect = effective 生效
Ex: Land and sea warnings are now in effect. 陸上及海上警報即刻生效。
動詞的 warn 是「警告」,而名詞的 warning 可作「警告、告誡」或「警報」
effect 是「效果、效力、影響」
而片語 in effect 是「生效、在實行中」之意
但是考試中常用的是它的形容詞 effective「有效的」
5.call off 取消
Ex: With the storm, all of northern and central Taiwan has called off school and work. 隨著颱風到來,北中台所有地區今日停止上班上課。
call 是我們熟知的打電話,但是動詞片語 call off 卻是取消、停止進行的意思
call off school and work 停止學校與工作場所的活動,就是指「停止上班上課」另外維持上班上課則是 Schools and offices remain open.
6.cause severe damage 造成嚴重的損害
Ex: The strong winds and heavy rains blew down trees and caused severe damage to the crops. Luckily, it didn't cause any disaster. 強風及豪雨吹倒樹並且對農作物造成嚴重的損害。但幸運的,它沒有造成任何的災害。
heavy rains、torrential rains 同樣都是豪雨的意思
另外對......造成極大損害除了用 cause great damage to
可以說 do a lot of damage to......
而對….造成威脅則可以用 pose a threat to
Ex: The intensity of Chan-Hom will continue to increase and pose a threat to the island. 颱風強度將持續增加,對本島造成威脅。
intensity 指颱風的強度,也可用來指思想、情感、活動等的強烈
7.pack 挾帶
Ex: The typhoon is packing sustained winds of 200 kilometers per hour, with gusts of up to 227. 颱風伴隨著每小時200公里、瞬間陣風時速達227公里的持續強風。
pack 當名詞是「包裹、背包」之意,例如「背包客」就是backpacker
sustain 原是「支撐、維持」,在此為過去分詞當形容詞使用,指「持續的」
gust 原是指「一陣強風」或「一陣突發」
8.liftthe warning 解除
The CWB will lift the warning for the typhoon after determining that Nepartak’s radius will not cover Taiwan. 中央氣象局確認尼伯特颱風不再籠罩本島,將會解除颱風警報。
lift 原本是「舉起」或「抬起」的意思,在這邊是指「解除…禁令」
比如說解除髮禁 lift the hair ban
Radius 是指颱風半徑範圍,cover 就是覆蓋
延伸閱讀 >> hurricane, cyclone, typhoon 颱風英文
Typhoon 颱風 |
Disaster 強風 |
Torrential rai 豪雨 |
Depression 低氣壓 |
Relief 救濟品 |
Flood 洪水、水災 |
Landslide 土石流 |
Mudslide 山崩 |
Victim 受害者 |
Shelter 避難所 |
延伸閱讀 >> drizzling, flood, humid 天氣英文單字